Gill Children’s Services provides last resort funding for Tarrant County children whose medical, dental, physical, social, psychological, or educational needs have not been met by other community resources.

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Diapers and Wipes

Starting on July 1, 2024, we are changing the way we help with diapers and wipes. The following local diaper programs may be able to help your child.

Program Qualifications Access

Broadway Baptist

305 W. Broadway Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76104


  • Newborn - 2 years
  • Parent photo ID
  • Child ID (birth certificate, WIC, CHIP, or Medicaid)
Pick up on Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday 9:00AM to 11:45AM.

Chosen Ones

7600 Sand St, Fort Worth, TX 76118

  • Newborn - 3 years
  • Proof of Texas address
Appointment required. Hours are Monday and Wednesday, 10:00am to 3:00PM and Tuesday and Thursday, 5:00PM to 8:00PM.

Community Crossroads

1516 Hemphill St, Fort Worth, TX 76104


  • Newborn - 3 years
  • Child ID (birth certificate)
Pick up on Monday 9:00am to 11:00AM. Subject to supply.

Community Storehouse

12001 Katy Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76244


  •  Low income teen parents

Seasons of Change

1017A N Commercial Blvd, Arlington, TX 76001


  •  Low income families
Must attend one-hour class and cannot bring children to class. Subject to supply.

St. John the Apostle Catholic Church

7341 Glenview Dr, North Richland Hills, TX 76180


  •  0 - 5 years
  • Must live in Tarrant County
  • Parent photo ID
  • Child ID (social security card or birth certificate)
Can receive diapers once per month. Hours are Monday and Wednesday, 9:30am to 11:30am and Tuesday and Thursday, 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Subject to supply.

If none of these diaper programs will work for your child, you may apply for assistance with diapers and wipes. In your application, you must be able to show why these programs will not work for you. Applying does not guarantee approval.

To apply for diapers and wipes:

  • Your child must be 2 years old or younger
  • Your child must live in Tarrant County
  • You must not qualify for any local diaper programs

If your application is approved, Gill Children’s Services may provide diapers and wipes for your child every three months for one year or until your child turns three, whichever is sooner.


Why this change?

Our mission is to help with last resort needs. Last resort means that  no other programs can help your child. To help with diapers, you must confirm that no other local programs will work for your family.

What if Gill can no longer help my child with diapers and wipes?

Please see the above list of programs that may be able to provide diapers and wipes for your family.

What if my child has a medical condition that requires them to use diapers?

Gill may consider continuing assistance after the child turns three if a letter from their pediatrician is provided.

My child was approved for diapers and wipes. Now what happens?

Gill will only provide diapers and wipes for one year after the date of approval or until your child turns three, whichever is sooner. When you are approved, you can come to the office and get your child's diapers and wipes every three months, up to five times. When you pick up, you will get a card that says the next date you can come to pick up. Only a parent or guardian may pick up diapers for the child.

What if I miss my pickup date?

If you do not pick up the diapers and wipes within five business days of your pickup date listed on your card, you cannot get those diapers. You can return on your next pickup date. If you lose your card, you can call the office at 817-332-5070 to see what the date is.


Gill is not responsible for the expense of any particular service or item unless we have specifically pre-approved payment for that service or item, for a specific date, after agreement with the provider/vendor to a specific discounted amount.